Wednesday, September 16, 2009

XML Comparison


In the previous post, I talked about serializing objects. Well… there are times when two serialized objects of the same class need to be compared for differences, for example:




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<![CDATA[sOme thing]]>
<![CDATA[sAme thing]]>
<![CDATA[Do not compare]]>    

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<![CDATA[NO thing]]>
<![CDATA[sAme thing]]>
<![CDATA[Do not compare]]>    

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<![CDATA[sOme thing]]>
<![CDATA[NO thing]]>
<![CDATA[Do not compare]]>

Well I have just the class that’ll do this.

The rules are simple:

  1. Recursive: The class will recursively search every node for differences
  2. PrimaryKey (changeable): If primary key is available, it’ll be used to justify whether 2 nodes are comparable.
    1. If PrimaryKey is NOT available, the unidentified node will be alphanumerically ordered using a stable sort, then all nodes will be compared based on their position.

  3. PrimaryKey is always kept.
  4. SavedInformation (changeable) is always kept and ignored.
  5. Leaf nodes that changed are always kept and will feature two additional sub nodes: the “before” and “after” nodes.
  6. Parent of leaf nodes that changed are always kept.
  7. If the before state is a leaf node, but the after state is a container node, then the comparison, before and after will be tacked on along the shortest path, in this case, the leaf node.

So here’s how you can do that:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;

namespace XMLSerializerHelperClasses
    /// <summary>
    /// Pair up XMLNodes, one with another if they're comparable.
    /// </summary>
    internal class XmlNodePair
        internal XmlNode Node1;
        internal XmlNode Node2;

    /// <summary>
    /// Finds the difference of 2 XML Serialized objects. 
    /// Fields/Nodes are comparable only when the Join_Key of the node is identical (just like in the database, the same identity key that represent 2 different values indicates an update).
    /// When join_key is new, or gone, this is indicative of an insert or a delete.
    /// </summary>
    public class Difference
        //The key to indicate that two objects are comparable. If the key differs then the object would be assumed to be recently created/deleted.
        public static string JOIN_KEY = "PrimaryKey";
        //Indicates that this information needs to be stored whether or not it changed. Ideally this is some information that may ease human read-ability.
        public static string REQUIRED_NODE_NAME = "_UserIdentifier";

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the difference between two xmldocuments in string format.
        /// The result returned is an xml document with the old and new values wrapped inside <before></before> and <after></after> nodes.
        /// All parent nodes that contains the difference is preserved, along with the difference.
        /// Any other node (that did not change) is removed to simplify the resulting XML.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Doc1String"></param>
        /// <param name="Doc2String"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XmlDocument FindDocumentDifference(string Doc1String, string Doc2String)
            XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument(), doc2 = new XmlDocument();

            //Sometimes the string has a funny character and can't be loaded to xml document, we want to get rid of that character here.
            //The character is needed for deserialization, but since the xml difference will never be deserialized, this should be the best place to eliminate it.

            return FindDocumentDifference(doc1, doc2);

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the difference between 2 xml documents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Doc1"></param>
        /// <param name="Doc2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XmlDocument FindDocumentDifference(XmlDocument Doc1, XmlDocument Doc2)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-16", null));
            XmlNode Differences = FindNodeDifference(Doc1.SelectSingleNode("/*").PutPrimaryKeyFirst(), Doc2.SelectSingleNode("/*").PutPrimaryKeyFirst(), doc);
            if (Differences != null)
                return doc;

            //We want to return null to indicate that there's no difference, such that it's easier to check on the database side, rather than having to inspect the first child.
            return null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an xml node containing all the differences between node1 and node2.
        /// When assembled this will create another xml document containing only the differences.
        /// NOTE: Node1 and Node2, must be of the SAME TYPE!
        /// NOTE: Node1 and Node2, must have the SAME PRIMARY KEY (IF EXISTS)!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Node1"></param>
        /// <param name="Node2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XmlNode FindNodeDifference(XmlNode Node1, XmlNode Node2, XmlDocument doc)
            XmlNode Before = null, After = null, Difference;
                Difference = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, Node1.Name, null);
                    Difference = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, Node2.Name, null);
                    Difference = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "UNKNOWN", null);

            //There must be a text in between.
            if (Node1 == null)
                Node1.InnerText = "NULL";
            if (Node2 == null)
                Node2.InnerText = "NULL";

            //The most basic case, when both nodes are text.
            if (!IsContainer(Node1) || !IsContainer(Node2))
                if (Node1.FirstChild == null || Node2.FirstChild == null || Node1.FirstChild.Name == "#text" || Node2.FirstChild.Name == "#text")
                    //No difference.
                    if (Node1.FirstChild != null && Node2.FirstChild != null && Node1.FirstChild.Value == Node2.FirstChild.Value)
                        if (Difference.Name == REQUIRED_NODE_NAME) //Both name and content of the node must be the same, otherwise it'll show up as before and after.
                            //There's no difference here, but we want to save it anyways, because this is an identifying information that's friendlier to the user.
                            Difference.InnerText = Node1.FirstChild.Value;
                            return null;
                        //Found difference.
                    //The both nodes are of type <XXX/>, then the difference is nothing.
                    else if (Node1.FirstChild == null && Node2.FirstChild == null)
                        return null;
                        Before = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "before", null);
                        After = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "after", null);

                        Before.InnerXml = Node1.InnerXml;
                        After.InnerXml = Node2.InnerXml;

            //If the nodes are containers
            else if (IsContainer(Node1) && IsContainer(Node2))
                Queue<XmlNodePair> ComparisonQueue = PairUpMatchingContainers(Node1, Node2, doc);
                XmlNodePair DifferencePair;
                XmlNode PrimaryKeyNode = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, JOIN_KEY, null);

                //Because Node1 and Node2, should have the same primary key, so it really doesn't matter.
                    PrimaryKeyNode.InnerText = Node1.GetNode(JOIN_KEY).InnerText;
                        PrimaryKeyNode.InnerText = Node2.GetNode(JOIN_KEY).InnerText;
                        PrimaryKeyNode.InnerText = "ANON";

                while (ComparisonQueue.Count != 0)
                    DifferencePair = ComparisonQueue.Dequeue();
                    //Add the difference, if it's not null.
                        Difference.AppendChild(FindNodeDifference(DifferencePair.Node1, DifferencePair.Node2, doc));
                        //Preserves the primary key, place it to the beginning of the list.
                        Difference.InsertBefore(PrimaryKeyNode, Difference.FirstChild);
                    //If null, adds nothing.
                    catch { }
                //If there's a difference it should have before and after nodes, making it a container.
                //If all of the children of this node, are the same, and hence no difference, return null.
                if (!IsContainer(Difference))
                    return null;
            //If there's a difference return it.
            return Difference;

        /// <summary>
        /// The purpose of this to pair up child elements of the two nodes, that has the same id.
        /// If no ID found, then pair them up based on their type and general position.
        /// The ID should be found by the grand child element relative to node1, that is named JOIN_KEY.
        /// This pairing will work for one level ONLY! It'll not explore sub-nodes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Node1"></param>
        /// <param name="Node2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static Queue<XmlNodePair> PairUpMatchingContainers(XmlNode Node1, XmlNode Node2, XmlDocument doc)

            Queue<XmlNodePair> ProcessingOrder = new Queue<XmlNodePair>();

            Dictionary<string, XmlNodePair> Buckets = new Dictionary<string, XmlNodePair>();
            Dictionary<string, int> BucketedCounter;
            int Counter = -1;

            //Go through the children of the first node.
            foreach (XmlNode Child in Node1.ChildNodes)
                //Figure out how many times we have seen this same node appear in the xml. We need this in order to do comparison where primary key is not given.
                BucketedCounter = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                    BucketedCounter[Child.Name] = BucketedCounter[Child.Name] + 1;
                    BucketedCounter[Child.Name] = 0;
                Counter = BucketedCounter[Child.Name];

                //This child is not of collection type, continue.
                if (Child.Name == "#text")

                string NodeKey = "";
                //If the node has a primary key, use this key to generate a dictionary key.
                if (Child.GetNode(JOIN_KEY) != null)
                    //Creates the nodekey from the Primary Key
                    NodeKey = Child.Name + ":" + Child.GetNode(JOIN_KEY).InnerText;
                //If the node does not have the primary key
                    //The nodekey will be based on the the position and the name of the node.
                    NodeKey = Child.Name + ":Count" + Counter; //Notice the ":Count" this is to make sure that counter are always seperate from those with real primary key, in case the primary key is the same as the counter.

                //Creates a new node.
                XmlNodePair temp = new XmlNodePair();
                //The first node is the child
                temp.Node1 = Child;
                //The second node should be the one from the dictionary, if it exists.
                    temp.Node2 = Buckets[NodeKey].Node2;
                //If not copy the info from node 1, and set the inner text to null. - This means the node exists in Node1 but not in Node2
                    temp.Node2 = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, Child.Name, Node1.NamespaceURI);
                    temp.Node2.InnerText = "NULL";
                //Adds to the dictionary.
                Buckets[NodeKey] = temp;


            //Reset the counter.
            Counter = 0;
            //Go through the children of the second node.
            foreach (XmlNode Child in Node2.ChildNodes)
                //Figure out how many times we have seen this same node appear in the xml. We need this in order to do comparison where primary key is not given.
                BucketedCounter = new Dictionary<string, int>();
                    BucketedCounter[Child.Name] = BucketedCounter[Child.Name] + 1;
                    BucketedCounter[Child.Name] = 0;
                Counter = BucketedCounter[Child.Name];

                //This child is not of collection type, continue.
                if (Child.Name == "#text")

                string NodeKey = "";
                //If the node has a primary key, use this key to generate a dictionary key.
                if (Child.GetNode(JOIN_KEY) != null)
                    //Creates the nodekey from the Primary Key
                    NodeKey = Child.Name + ":" + Child.GetNode(JOIN_KEY).InnerText;
                //If the node does not have the primary key
                    //The nodekey will be based on the the position and the name of the node.
                    NodeKey = Child.Name + ":Count" + Counter; //Notice the ":Count" this is to make sure that counter are always seperate from those with real primary key, in case the primary key is the same as the counter.                    

                //Creates a new node.
                XmlNodePair temp = new XmlNodePair();
                //The first node is the child
                temp.Node2 = Child;
                //The FIRST node should be the one from the dictionary, if it exists.
                    temp.Node1 = Buckets[NodeKey].Node1;
                //If not copy the info from node 2, and set the inner text to null. - This means the node exists in Node1 but not in Node2
                    temp.Node1 = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, Child.Name, Node1.NamespaceURI);
                    temp.Node1.InnerText = "NULL";
                //Adds to the dictionary.
                Buckets[NodeKey] = temp;


            //Puts the dictionary into the queue.
            foreach (string DictionaryKey in Buckets.Keys)

            return ProcessingOrder;

        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if an xml node is a container.
        /// A container is a node that contains any other node types besides text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Node">The node to be checked.</param>
        /// <returns>True if it's a container, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool IsContainer(XmlNode Node)
            bool IsContainer = false;
            foreach (XmlNode TestNode in Node.ChildNodes)
                if (TestNode.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Text)
                    IsContainer = true;
            return IsContainer;


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